Europa uber alles

Gordon Brown follows through on his threat to betray Britain to the unelected bureaucrats of Brussels:

Gordon Brown today has signed Britain up for the EU ‘non-constitution’ constitution without, of course, having bothered to have held the referendum that the Labour party had promised.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that representative democracy IS NOT DEMOCRACY in the same way that social justice is not justice. It is time to end the charade.

The Huckster had it right

Now, I am no fan of Mike Huckabee or his love for the strong government nanny state. However, it seems really bizarre that he should be attacked for correctly pointing out Captain Underoos’s religious peculiarities. Rod Dreher provides a link to an LDS web site which completely support’s Huckabee’s statement:

On first hearing, the doctrine that Lucifer and our Lord, Jesus Christ, are brothers may seem surprising to some—especially to those unacquainted with latter-day revelations. But both the scriptures and the prophets affirm that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are indeed offspring of our Heavenly Father and, therefore, spirit brothers. Jesus Christ was with the Father from the beginning. Lucifer, too, was an angel “who was in authority in the presence of God,” a “son of the morning.” (See Isa. 14:12; D&C 76:25–27.) Both Jesus and Lucifer were strong leaders with great knowledge and influence. But as the Firstborn of the Father, Jesus was Lucifer’s older brother. (See Col. 1:15; D&C 93:21.)

How could two such great spirits become so totally opposite? The answer lies in the principle of agency, which has existed from all eternity. (See D&C 93:30–31.) Of Lucifer, the scripture says that because of rebellion “he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies.” (Moses 4:4.) Note that he was not created evil, but became Satan by his own choice.

So much for John 3:16, I guess. However, it’s pretty clear that Huckabee has no balls; the fact that he apologized for speaking the truth tells you all you really need to know about him… if his enthusiasm for a nationwide smoking ban wasn’t already enough.

The "culturally christian" atheist

Richard Dawkins is not wrong, in fact, it appears he hasn’t entirely grasped the full extent of Christianity’s influence on his thinking:

Staunch atheist Richard Dawkins recently denied wanting to stop Christian traditions, instead labelling himself a “cultural Christian”.

“This is historically a Christian country. I’m a cultural Christian in the same way many of my friends call themselves cultural Jews or cultural Muslims,” Oxford biologist Dawkins said on BBC’s recent “Have Your Say” programme on Sunday.

Where Dawkins falls short is that he is mostly a “moral Christian” as well. This is why the vehemently atheist Michel Onfray criticizes him and his fellow secular humanists in In Defense of Atheism, stating “many individuals who consider themselves atheists profess – without noticing it – an ethic, a way of thinking, a vision of the world saturated in Judeo-Christianity…. The Western body (including that of atheists, Muslims, deists and agnostics raised in the geographic and ideological Judeo-Christian zone) is Christian.”

Dawkins’s atheism, like most Western atheists, is inherently Christian in its very framework. This is why Onfray rejects “Christian atheism” and calls for a post-Christian “atheist atheism”. He writes: “The immanent ordering of the world distinguishes the Christian atheist from the Christian believer. But not their values, which remain identical…. Their concerns are charity, temperance, compassion, mercy and humility, but also love of one’s neighbor and the forgiveness of offenses…. Most of the time, this Christian atheism dismisses the Pauline hatred of the body, its rejection of desires, pleasures, drives and passions.”

Note that Onfray is saying exactly what I have been saying, that the New Atheism is an attempt to cling to Christianity without Jesus Christ, less the concept of sexual sin. Dawkins, those who have read The God Delusion may recall, does not reject the Ten Commandments in their entirety, he merely wishes to replace threefour of them. This moral parasitism is not undesirable in practice, but it is rationally indefensible.

So it is all about penis envy

It seems old Sigmund after all:

Protests from female soldiers have led to the Swedish military removing the penis of a heraldic lion depicted on the Nordic Battlegroup’s coat of arms. The armed forces agreed to emasculate the lion after a group of women from the rapid reaction force lodged a complaint to the European Court of Justice, Göteborgs-Posten reports.

The lesson, as always….

The great turn-off

No doubt the responses to this article will be amusing. I love the fact that they published it in the women’s section:

I am a massive fan of British women. UK girls, in my opinion, are the greatest natural beauties in the world . . . when they’re 17 or 18 years old. The girls I was surrounded by when I was a teenager were sublime roses with lustrous hair, flawless skin, bright eyes and lithe, athletic bodies. They dressed as if there would be a prize at the end of the night for the girl wearing the least. I then went away to Philadelphia for university. Four years later, I came back and wondered: “What the hell happened to all the beautiful girls I knew?” My first assumption was that one half of them had eaten the other half and washed them down with a crate of lager. These girls looked phenomenal when looking good took no effort. But when British women get to the age where they have to make an effort, they appear unable, or uninterested, in rising to the challenge….

The irony is that, as obsessed as American women are with their looks, they totally ignore their social skills. Within 10 minutes of meeting an American woman, I guarantee you will know her salary and most recent medical/ dental procedure. They all but turn up with their CV printed out. In return, they will immediately want to know “all” about you, ie, how much you earn, how much you have earned in the past, what your future earning potential is, whether you own property, whether you have an investment portfolio, where you shop, where you “vacation”, what you drive and how large your parents’ house is. I once got to the end of a date in New York, pulled out my credit card to pay and the girl solemnly remarked: “A green American Express card? I didn’t know they still made them in that colour.” American women also take themselves too seriously and are annoyingly confrontational.

The solution for the British women is easy enough, as before too long they’ll all be wearing burkhas anyhow. As for American women, that problem is taking care of itself too, as men of the upper education and income classes marry non-career women and leave the high-flyers to their cats and gamma males. The ironic thing about the women who get so upset over wealthy executives and sportsmen marrying pretty secretaries and hot nannies is that it’s not as if there’s a shortage of plumbers and electricians and garbage men for them to choose from, it’s just that most white collar women think they are too good for such men by virtue of their paper collection.

But it’s that very attitude, of course, that is the very reason no rational white collar men wants anything to do with them.

An exchange of letters

Agent Provocateur makes a heartfelt plea:

Dear Gov.,

All I want to do, is wake up in the morning, walk outside and stand in my back yard with my Lab, the desert before me just as the sun rises, and take a deep breath of clean crisp morning air … a free man at liberty.

What is so hard about that?

Dear Agent Provocateur,

Put some clothes on or we’ll arrest you for disturbing the peace.

The Government